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Saturday April 6th 2024

Award Guide:

U - Eligible for Best UK Film Award

Int - Eligible for Best International Film Award

S - Eligible for Best Student Award

All film screenings are at Fabrica


New Generation and Q+A

Look out for the next generation of filmmakers in this showcase of the best cutting edge of talent from both UK and International. Coming out stories, family relations the joys of Grace Jones are just some of the topics covered by this new generation of filmmakers, expect to see work from countries including Japan, Ukraine through to UK.

Under The Endless Sky

Dir. Alexandra Dzhigan 4' (Ukraine) S


Dir. Ciara Kerr 9' (UK) S

 Lead Me On 

Dir. Neha Viswanath 2’ (UK) S

Dir. adi shahar  5' (Israel) S


Dir. tzu ting Lee 7’ (Japan) S

Dir. Cheryl Blake 4' (UK) S

 Holladio hods gsogt 

Dir. Sarah Braid 5’ (Austria) S

Dir. Ivy Dillon 1' (UK) S

 Song of the Tadpole 

Dir. Victor Healey 7' (UK) S

 Freshwater Bees
Dir. Emma Kanouté 3' (Belgium) S

 Growin' Pains 

Dir. Sammson Orr 6’ (UK) S

 A Taste For Music 

Dir. Jordan Antonowicz-Behnan 5’ (UK) S

 War and Peace
Dir. Lilly Human 2’ (UK) S


Dir. Felicity Neal 1' (UK)  S

Minus Plus Multiply 

Dir. Chu-Chieh Lee 4’ (UK) S

 Every Other Weekend
Dir. James Naughton 5’ Ireland  S





The (un)Natural World and Q+A

Science, the environment and creatures of the earth are the focus of this programme. Expect wolves, pigs and amorous foxes in the programme from countries including Switzerland, France, USA through to UK.


The biological invasions. The case of Ovis orientalis musimon on the island of Tenerife: « The last mouflon»
Dir. Omar Al, Abdul Raz 10' (Spain) INT

Inner Polar Bear
Dir. Gerald Conn  7' (UK) U

The Wolf of Custer
Dir. Tanya J Scott 8' (UK) S

Dir.  Jorn Leeuwerink 8' (Netherlands) INT

Future Of…
Dir.  Scott Coello 3' (UK) U

Loch Allua 
Dir.  Hermione Morris, Alfie Walton 2' (UK) S

La Bee de Beeley
Dir.  Sacha Beeley 1' (UK) U

Dir.  Giovanna Lopalco 8' (France) INT

Yellowstone 88 - Song of Fire
Dir.  Jerry van de Beek 5' (USA) INT

Think something nice
Dir.  Claudius Gentinetta 6' (Switzerland) INT

The Penguin Enclosure

Dir. Sophie Milton 4’ (UK) S

Poco a poco
Dir.  Kanto Ohara Maeda 4’ (UK) S

The Queen of the Foxes
Dir. Marina Rosset 9' (Switzerland) INT





Presentation: The Story of Halas and Batchelor

Vivien Halas of Halas and Batchelor estate will present the story of the studio ahead of the 70th year anniversary Animal Farm screening on the Sunday.

Founded in 1940, Halas & Batchelor Cartoons was the largest and most influential animation studio in Western Europe for over 50 years. In that time, they made over 2,000 films and earned an international reputation for fine animation, extending the medium to explain complex ideas with clarity and humour and reflecting the social and style changes of half a century.

Notably Joy Batchelor was one of the first female Animation Directors of her time and a pioneer for women in animation, often being referred to as ‘The female Disney’.


Vivien is co-author of Halas & Batchelor, an animated history 2006 and A Moving Image, Joy Batchelor 1914-91, Artist, Writer and Animator 2014.




To be Human and Q+A

This programme focusses on the human condition. The effects of music, the partition of India and the joys of female friendship are just some of the topics explored in this collection of films from countries including Brazil, Canada through to UK.

Dir. Flóra Anna BUDA 11' (France) INT

CW: contains adult themes

Dir.  Mirjam Debets 7' (Netherlands) INT

Director Filipe Consoni  4' (Brazil) 

All Gucci My Broski

Dir. Harry Plowden 13’ (UK) U

The Lost Voices of Partition 

Dir.  Stacy Bias  2' (UK)  U

Dir. Éabha Bortolozzo 10' (Ireland) INT

 She's My Best Friend (and I Hate Her)
Dir. Candy Guard  4' (UK)  U

Jelena’s Story
Dir. Helena van Kampen 3' (UK)  U

The Fell We Climb
Dir.  Lou Kneath, Jeffrey  10' (UK) U

Dir.  Pete List 3' (USA) INT

Dir. Max Vannienschoot 9' (Canada) INT






Wild Characters and Q+A

Use of personification and exaggeration are some of the joys of designing and working with character within animation. Alien observers, bespectacled cats and Miles Davis all feature in this collection of films that all have a character based focus. Expect both music videos and short films from Sweden, Germany, USA through to UK.

Miles Davis - What’s Love Got to Do With It
Dir. Irina Rubina 4' (USA) INT

Cat with glasses
Dir.  Dirk Verschure 4' (Germany) INT

Ashnikko - Worms
Dir.  Raman Djafari  3' (Germany) INT

The Final Nail In The Coffin
Dir. Conor Kehelly 10' Ireland INT

Nothing to Expect
Dir.  Franz Impler 3' (Germany) INT

Dog Days
Dir. George Hampshire 2' (Netherlands) INT

Moonstruck in the Garden of Elements 
Dir.  Shelley Mcintosh 6' (Canada) INT

Jiggly Wiggly
Dir.  Eva Münnich 1' (UK) U


Dir.  Stephen Irwin 12' (UK) U

Beyond Averages

Dir. Charlie Miller 6’ (UK) U

Cookie Valentine and the Chamber of Horrors 3
Dir. Gabriela Moncayo  (UK) S

Mee and Burd
Dir.  Greg McLeod  8' (UK) U

Best Day Ever
Dir.  Matt Partridge 1' (UK) U

Being A Dog
Dir.  Felix Swahn 8' (Sweden) 





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