2pm - Puppet Stories
Puppet based stop frame animation was pioneered in the early twentieth century in the former eastern bloc countries including former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
We can still see the influence of these pioneers today in this selection of narrative based figurative films from countries including Spain, China, USA and UK. Expect beautiful craft in both tactile and digital puppet making.
The Clearing, Dir. Johannes Schubert (UK) 12:33 S
Hexed, Dir. Francisco Martins Fontes 4:33 (Spain) S
Heart of Gold, Dir. Emmanuel Renaud 12:45 Heart of Gold int
Elevator Alone,Dir. Anastasia Papadopoulou (Greece) 3:38 S/
Baloney Beacon, Dir. Max Landman (USA) 5:13 Int
Flour & Mush, Dir. Emily Wong (Hong Kong) 11:51 Int
The Condo, Dir. Trevor Hardy (UK) 3:04 U
Hiding, Tom Carey (UK) 4:20 S
Death Quiz, Dir. Lee Charlish (UK) 9:50 U
67 mins